
Meet Iris Alonzo
Meet Iris Alonzo for the latest “fuck with the future” podcast. Iris is an incredible human. Big heart. Full of passion & purpose. She’s about to flip the fashion industry upside down. By showing rather than talking. After leaving American Apparel as the Creative Director, Iris went off to start her own thing with her business partner Carolina Crespo. It’s called The duo are fucking with the fashion industry by creating ethical and low impact fashion, locally produced in LA. These guys created a world first 100% recycled cotton t-shirt. They are making towels from waste towels from ace hotels and making accessories from waste sheets. They helped fund the legal defense of a person they admired after a wrongful conviction that resulted in 21 years behind bars. They are paying people properly. They treat their workers like equals. And one of the most exciting part about the brand is that they have everyday people designing the clothes. They find friends or random people that they meet in the street, like their style and ask them what is missing from their wardrobe. Then they work with them to make it look and feel great. Their philosophy is to use creativity to help pay workers properly and to ensure their products touch the earth lightly. The brand is only 2 years old and is already on it’s way to changing how things work in a big way. Watch this space. If we are to create self sufficient cities moving forwards, this brand is a living and breathing example of how industry can remain inner city and how we can make products that last not just one lifetime but hopefully many more.
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